Hi, you guys! Remember me?!
Goodness, I unintentionally took 6 months off from writing on my blog which is very alarming (!!). However, that gives a relatively solid representation of how busy my life has been lately. Between work, baby showers, bridal showers, bachelorette parties, engagement parties, and normal day-to-day responsibilities, I’ve been all over the place!
I figured I’d dive back into writing today because I’ve been feeling a sense of lingering stress and I truly think it’s because I haven’t made much time for myself. Thankfully, writing has always been very therapeutic to me, so here we are. Back in the saddle, baby!
This post will be a random update of what’s been going on in my life recently, things on my mind, and things I’ve been loving. Let’s call it a brain dump if you will. And then we’ll get back to regularly scheduled programming in the coming weeks!
You truly just never know what you’re going to get here, huh?

– Braden and I are so close to breaking ground on our new house! (surprise! if you didn’t see the news on my Instagram) We purchased land in Liberty Hill which is north of Austin and we’re building the most magical house that we’ve been working on for over a year with Braden’s dad, who is our architect. I’m so excited to share more once we get moving and grooving!
– My sister, Kelsi, is 37 weeks pregnant! We cannot wait to meet miss Parker Rose and I’m tickled pink to become an aunt!
– I have a handful of travel blogs that I need to sit down and write — Switzerland Christmas Markets and an Ireland roundup.
– Spring is finally here and I just purchased the most darling purse, Sylvia Large in Mint. Each bag is handcrafted in Italy and they’re just so beautiful! …Instagram ads got me again.
– We’ve been playing tennis recently and I really love it. It’s a great workout and such a fun hobby that Braden and I can do together.
– This has been my new favorite nighttime moisturizer and this is still my tried and trued favorite foundation of all time.
– Abercrombie jeans are everything! I know, I know, it sounds bizarre if you haven’t tried them on since their rebrand. Considering I could barely fit into their clothes in middle school, I was equally as shocked. Their Curve Love denim line is a chef’s kiss if you have a booty or thicker thighs. Just trust me on this one, ladies!

That’s all from me today! I promise I’ll be back soon.
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